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Reception Area Security Best Practices From an Industry Leader

In this free infographic, TSS offers practical insights for ballistic security planning and using bullet-resistant barriers to create a bulletproof reception area or reception desk. Whether you need to protect an emergency room reception, courthouse, school building, or any kind of desk where a receptionist might interact with the public, this infographic is for you. We outline what types of bulletproof barriers to use and where so you can protect what matters most.

These recommendations are current best practices. TSS and CEO Jim Richards have led the ballistic barrier industry for decades. We’ve installed tens of thousands of jobs across the country, and have helped school systems integrate bullet-resistant systems that preserve their existing aesthetics. 

This infographic includes decades of insight, making it an invaluable resource for anyone involved in the safety planning process.

Safety Is Non-Negotiable

No one should feel unsafe at work. Whether you need to protect from unhappy patients, stray bullets, or armed attacks, a bulletproof reception area can help improve safety and prevent attacks from escalating. TSS is ready to help you protect your space and give your team the tools they need to not only be safe, but feel safe, too. Our barriers are available in UL Levels 1 through 8, and can stop shots from a range of firearms, including handguns and rifles. We’ll help you determine what type of barrier is right for you, so you can be confident you’re getting the protection you need.  

healthcare reception desk
corporate reception desk

Ballistic Protection Is Just Part of a Comprehensive Safety Plan

Bulletproof protection offers your team, customers, and other guests peace of mind. When placed strategically, bulletproof barriers become all but invisible, preserving the aesthetic design of your space. This infographic provides a helpful template for where to place ballistic barriers to create a secure, bulletproof reception area. It’s an invaluable tool that will help guide your security planning.



About Total Security Solutions

Since 2004, TSS has been the industry leader in protecting people and property from physical attacks. With people and locations nationwide, our in-house design, manufacturing, and installation teams have secured tens of thousands of buildings, ensuring the daily Physical Security for What Matters Most™.