“Bulletproofing a Data Center: Best Practices” Infographic


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Data Center Security Best Practices From an Industry Leader

In this free infographic, TSS offers practical insights for ballistic security planning and using bullet-resistant and forced entry resistant barriers in your data center. Quickly and clearly see which solutions to implement, where, and why. 

These recommendations are current best practices. TSS and CEO Jim Richards have led the ballistic barrier industry for decades. We’ve installed tens of thousands of jobs across the country, and have helped data centers integrate bullet-resistant systems into their existing architecture as well as add protection to new builds. We’re proud to support tech industry decision-makers with the information and insight they need to make the best decisions for keeping people and data safe. 

Ballistic Protection Is Just Part of a Comprehensive Data Center Security Plan

As the prevalence of data centers continues to rise, protecting the people and technology inside will be more important than ever. Bulletproof and forced entry-resistant protection is just part of a comprehensive data center security plan.

If you’re concerned about physical threats, intruders with bad intentions, or any other type of in-person events, TSS can help you prepare by implementing best practices right from the start. This infographic breaks everything down into practical steps so you can make an informed decision for your data center. 


About Total Security Solutions

Total Security Solutions is the leading nationwide custom bulletproof barrier manufacturer and installer. Since 2004, TSS has designed, engineered, fabricated, and delivered or installed tens of thousands of ballistic systems in locations worldwide. With facilities in Michigan & California, and offices around the nation, TSS offers ballistic solutions that provide both Safety + Aesthetics™ to fit your unique space.