Bulletproofing a Financial Institution

Best practices every stakeholder should know


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Financial Industry Safety Best Practices From an Industry Leader

In this free infographic, TSS offers practical insights for ballistic security planning and using bullet-resistant barriers in a financial institution. Quickly and clearly see which solutions to implement, where, and why. 

These recommendations are current best practices. TSS and CEO Jim Richards have led the ballistic barrier industry for decades. We’ve installed tens of thousands of jobs across the country, and have helped banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions integrate bullet-resistant systems that preserve their existing aesthetics or add security to new builds. 

This infographic includes decades of insight, making it an invaluable resource for anyone involved in the safety planning process.

For Banks, Credit Unions, and Other Financial Institutions, Bullet-Resist Protection Is No Longer Optional

According to the FBI, 89% of bank robberies in 2022 took place at the teller counter. Roughly one in four of these robberies involved some kind of firearm, but only 7% of banks had a ballistic barrier in place to protect their team. In today’s increasingly uncertain world, safety is no longer optional.

Bank Transaction Window

Ballistic Protection Is Just Part of a Comprehensive Safety Plan

Ballistic protection offers everyone in your financial institution peace of mind. When applied strategically and in concert with other elements of a safety plan, bullet-resistant barriers are effective ways to secure your bank, credit union, or check cashing service. 

TSS has worked with financial institutions nationwide to secure their facilities—both new builds and retrofit projects. We take safety seriously, which is why we’re providing this infographic for free—to give you the tools you need to protect what matters most. To get started, download the free resource today.


About Total Security Solutions

Since 2004, TSS has been the industry leader in protecting people and property from physical attacks. With people and locations nationwide, our in-house design, manufacturing, and installation teams have secured tens of thousands of buildings, ensuring the daily Physical Security for What Matters Most™.